Sunday, November 8, 2020

2020 in review for me. My thoughts and feelings.

Hey Everyone!!!!!!!

With everything going on, I felt that I needed to put my thoughts out there.

If you know me, you know I don't get on here very often. Sometimes not at all. But with what has happened this year, I felt that I wanted to share some thoughts.
With Covid, the struggles we ALL have faced due to it. The loss of my beloved Roxy, who I miss everyday. And now the presidential election, I wanted to let you all know that no matter what you believe or who you voted for, we are all AMERICANS!
We should all be proud to be in a country that allows each and every one of us to express and be who we want to be. We should be thankful to the men and women in our military who have fought for our freedom. Thank them when you see them in public for their service. They and their families are willing to pay the ultimate price for your freedom. We should also be thankful to the police officers, fire fighters and first responders who put their lives on the line daily to protect us and keep the peace. In order for us to express ourselves without harm and/or minimal destruction.
I know my rant might be a bit much for a "status update" but my point to it is, be kind to one another, love another and no matter what happens accept one another. Ultimately our differences is what makes each on of us unique and beautiful.

Monday, February 11, 2019

Random Thoughts...

Hello everyone!!!

It has been a little more than a year since the last time I sat down and felt inspired to write. I wouldn't call it writers block, more of a reflection period. Some time to myself to truly discover who I am, what I want, and how to achieve all those goals.

You know, its funny when you stop and take a second to truly sit back and think about your life. All the things you've done, the things you haven't, the one who you thought would never happen and did, and the things you were too afraid to attempt. I've done a lot of soul searching and can honestly say that up to this point in my life, I am truly happy with the way it has turned out so far.

Sure there are things on my ultimate bucket list. For example, Great White Shark Cage diving in South Africa, and enjoying a true safari tour, but those are things that I hope to get done. What's most important for me, are short term goals with long term results.

At 35, I have gotten to a certain point in my life were I've learned to accept that certain things just are what they. That doesn't necessarily mean it's a negative thing, I look at them as more positive. Because what's important is my happiness. There are things I used to worry and stress about, now I look at them with a different perspective. If they happen great, if they don't then great. There is no point in stressing things that are out of my control.

All it brings me is a headache and more stress. Which when 2019 began I promised myself I won't do anymore. Inner peace is my ultimate goal. I want to live a more stress-free life and starts with letting go of the tings I can not control and just letting them happen as they should.

Being a co-owner of a business comes with lots of stress, especially when dealing with the public. This year I'm learning to manage the stress of it better. I've learned that we are all our different and react to things differently. We do what we can do accommodate, and be fair to our clients. When we can't, we apologize and hope we can in the future.

I've lived life too worried about so many things that now, I'm taking a step back and trying to let go of that worry. And just enjoy the ride.


Saturday, November 4, 2017

Life goes on...

There are moments in life when things come to an end so better things can come. Change is something that isn't always welcomed, but I feel its something that should be embraced. Even though it might not be what we want at the moment, sometimes its what we need to be a better version of ourselves. I, for one, am not a big fan of change but I know it is necessary.

This year there have been many changes for me on a personal level. Some of which I saw coming, others I never would've imaged. To start, I am currently single and happy. The last almost year of my relationship was a miserable one for both of us. We were both unhappy with our own personal lives, and brought that misery into our relationship. Which ultimately lead to its demise. I can say though that I am a happier version of myself since the end of that  4 1/2 year journey. I've done a lot of self-discovery and realized that at the end of the day neither one of us was happy. It was best to each move on.

Life can't be better. I'm truly enjoying this new chapter in my life. It has taken me out of my comfort zone and beyond. I'm meeting new people, exploring new places, and truly enjoying my family. Our bond, I feel, has only grown stronger in the last few months and that makes my soul happy.

So here's to life, and all the new things it has in store for me.
